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The Corrosion Science Society of Korea | http://www.corrosionkorea.org |
The Korean Society for Resources Recycling | https://www.kirr.or.kr |
The Korea Welding and Joining Society | http://www.kwjs.or.kr |
The Korea Institute of Surface Engineering | https://www.kisehome.or.kr |
The Korean Society for Composite Materials | https://www.kscm.re.kr |
The Korean Magnetics Society | https://www.magnetics.or.kr |
The Korea Foundry Society | http://www.kfs.or.kr |
The Korean Society For Technology of Plasticity | http://www.kstp.or.kr |
The Materials Research Society of Korea | http://www.mrs-k.or.kr |
The Korean Ceramic Society | https://kcers.or.kr |
The Korean Society for Heat Treatment | http://www.ksht.or.kr |
Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute | http://kpmi.or.kr |
Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials | https://www.kimm.re.kr |
Korea Institute of Materials Science | https://www.kims.re.kr |
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science | https://www.kriss.re.kr |
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute | https://www.etri.re.kr |
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information | https://www.kisti.re.kr |
Korea Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.kist.re.kr |
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology | https://www.kitech.re.kr |
Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology | http://www.rist.re.kr |
Agency for Defense Development | https://www.add.re.kr |
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute | https://www.kaeri.re.kr |
Korea Aerospace Research Institute | https://www.kari.re.kr |
Korea Electronics Technology Institute | https://www.keti.re.kr |
Korea Institute of Energy Research | https://www.kier.re.kr |
The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies | https://www.kofst.or.kr |
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning | https://www.kistep.re.kr |
Korea Iron and Steel Association | http://www.kosa.or.kr |
The Global Network of Korean Scientists and Engineers | https://www.kosen21.org |
Korean Academy of Science and Technology | https://kast.or.kr/kr |
Korea Industrial Technology Association | https://www.koita.or.kr |
The Korean Professional Engineer Association | https://www.kpea.or.kr |
Korea Engineering and Consulting Association | http://www.kenca.or.kr |
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society | https://www.tms.org |
The Japan Institute of Metals | https://jim.or.jp |
Chinese Society of Metals | http://www.csm.org.cn |
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Materialkunde e.V. | https://dgm.de |
Federation of European Materials Societies | https://www.fems.org |
Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining | https://www.iom3.org |
Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy | https://www.ausimm.com |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | https://www.ieee.org |
American Society for Testing and Materials | https://www.astm.org |
Materials Research Society | https://www.mrs.org |
The American Ceramic Society | https://ceramics.org |
The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity | http://www.jstp.jp |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers | https://www.asme.org |